How to Get the Most from Your Web Developer

by Joe Hochgreve, Director of Digital Technology
Programmer Woman Coding On Computer

If you’re interested in a website build or rebuild, it’s important to know what to avoid when searching for a web development agency or freelancer. Learn about the common pitfalls of inexperienced web developers and how to find the right agency to suit your needs.

Common Problems with Inexperienced Developers and Agencies

A lack of understanding of scalable websites and applications can lead to short- and long-term digital marketing obstacles. It happens all too often: a developer or agency assures you they can build or redesign your website but fails to explain how.

An experienced web developer or agency should ask you more questions than you ask them. If they aren’t taking the time to understand your business, they may struggle to create an effective and accurate digital representation of your brand. That can have financial implications and affect your business growth.

Other common web developer issues include:

The Problem with CMS Plugins

Websites built with lots of content management system (CMS) plugins and extensions are common in the web development world. While CMS plugins are useful, inexperienced web developers often implement them as a quick fix. That’s because the software’s pre-programmed functionality makes it easy to integrate into a website with minimal coding.

CMS shouldn’t be the primary tool for website functionality. While they may seem convenient, CMS extensions can create scalability, inconsistency, speed and security issues down the road.

Security risks: You could face security vulnerabilities with CMS plugins, such as comment spamming, website hijacking, data manipulation and contact theft. The third-party developers who create plugins may not follow secure coding practices and fail to update software regularly.

Performance issues: Too many plugins can make your website sluggish and slow to load. That negatively impacts the user experience, which can decrease your site’s SEO value and affect your business growth.

Maintenance and compatibility: You could face functionality problems if your site is operating on outdated plugins. Compatibility issues between different plugins and fewer customization options can make CMS difficult to work with, especially if developers don’t implement clean coding practices.

The Advantages of Custom Web Development

An experienced web developer or agency will implement custom security elements for your site, including monitoring for vulnerabilities and updating code regularly. Enhancing web security also helps you build trust with your customers by keeping their private information safe.

Properly coded sites perform better and help users find information on your brand, products and services with ease. Search crawlers value fast websites because they lend themselves to a better user experience, allowing your site to rank higher on search engine results pages. That can attract more customers and increase your conversion rate.

Without CMS plugins, a web developer has complete control over the code on your website. That makes it simpler to implement updates and changes without the need for third-party code. Adding a new feature to your site is a breeze, and you don’t have to compromise the design.

Headless Websites: The Future of Web Development

A headless CMS provides content to your website but isn’t tied to its structure. The CMS and hosting servers are separate, allowing web developers to modify content without bogging down load time. That separation also supports greater flexibility in design and functionality.

Additional benefits of headless CMS include:

  • Omni-channel capabilities
  • Reduced maintenance
  • Scalability
  • Various CMS provider compatibility

Tips for Finding a Quality Web Developer

It’s important to define your needs before you begin searching for a web developer. Assess your short- and long-term business goals and what you need your website to do to support them. Think about website scalability and whether your current vision will support future growth. Do your research and review portfolios thoroughly.

Here are some questions to ask potential candidates:

  • Can you discuss your experience in web development?
  • Do you work independently or with an agency?
  • Can you explain your web development process?
  • Which CMS do you use to build websites?
  • Do you use custom themes or purchase them? (Purchased themes can lead to various technical issues.)
  • What plugins will you use?
  • Why do you use plugins instead of creating custom code?
  • How will you optimize my site to ensure it remains fast and scalable?

Custom web development provides you with an optimized site that can help balance the initial cost in the long run. A well-built site is less likely to experience glitches and errors that require plugins to patch them up. Those quick fixes may not last long, requiring additional maintenance that can rack up expenses.

Custom Web Development Services at TouchStone Digital

Our web development teams prioritize custom site development to enhance your digital marketing efforts. Contact us to schedule a consultation and discuss your goals.

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